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Singularity (2010/ENG/REPACK-3.92GB) PC
24.06.2010, 11:04

Year: 2010
Genre: Action (Shooter) / 3D / 1st Person
Developer: Raven Software
Platform: PC
Publisher: Activision
Publisher in Russia: 1C-SoftKlab
Release date: June 24, 2010
Release date in Russia: 25 June 2010

Publication Type: RePack
Language: English
Voice set Language: English
Size: 3,92 GB
Tabletka: Not required

Description: Penal servitude-12 - Soviet Research Center, located on a small island off the coast of Kamchatka. As a result of the unsuccessful experiment of the island fell into a temporary trap and is now permanently moved between 1950 and 2010. Caught in this strange, constantly changing place, where sudden jumps take place in time, players will be a serious test. Using the powerful weapons and unique experimental device - a mobile time converter, they will battle enemies in the past and present, to destroy the monstrous creatures in parallel dimensions. However, most major and complex task - to find a way to prevent a terrible catastrophe, in 1950, that in 2010 was back to square one.

Опис : Каторга-12 - радянський науковий центр, розташований на невеликому острові біля узбережжя Камчатки. В результаті невдалого експерименту острів потрапив під тимчасову пастку і тепер постійно переміщається між 1950 і 2010 роками. Опинившись в цьому дивному, що постійно змінюється місці, де раптово відбуваються скачки в часі, гравці пройдуть серйозні випробування. Використовуючи потужна зброя і унікальне експериментальний пристрій - мобільний тимчасової перетворювач, вони будуть битися з ворогами в минулому і в сьогоденні, знищувати кошмарних тварюк у паралельних вимірах. Проте найголовніша і складне завдання - знайти спосіб запобігти страшну катастрофу в 1950 році, щоб у 2010 році все повернулося на круги своя.

- Time as an ally. Large selection of weapons and the trump card - a unique device management time by which you can the old enemies, returning from the past and change things and even stop time.
- Military secret. Pick-trivial plot, which was based on the time paradox. By collecting the crumbs of information and find answers to many questions and gradually the players learn the truth about secret military experiment.
- Virtual unreality. Impressive visual embodiment of grim fantasy world and realistically recreates the atmosphere of the Soviet "mailbox" of the Cold War thanks to the wide possibilities of technology Unreal Engine 3.
- Around enemies. Passionate multiplayer battles in conjunction with movements in time provide a lot of thrills and unique gaming experience.

System requirements:
- Operating system Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7 *;
- Processor AMD Athlon X2 4800 + / Intel Pentium D (dual core) with a frequency of 2.8 GHz or better;
- 1 GB (Windows XP) / 2 GB (Windows Vista / 7) of RAM;
- Graphics Card NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT (except for series 8400 and 9400) / ATI Radeon X1800 (except cards X1800 GTO, Radeon HD2400, Radeon HD2600, and Radeon HD3450) with 256 MB memory or better **;
- 8 GB free hard disk space;
- Sound card 16-bit compatible with DirectX 9.0c;
- DirectX 9.0c;
- Device for reading DVD;
- Keyboard and mouse.

Features RePack:
- Do not cut
- Recoded




СКАЧАТЬ Singularity (2010/ENG/REPACK-3.92GB) PC

Категория: Игры | Добавил: godzilo2009 | Теги: (2010/ENG/REPACK-3.92GB), PC, Singularity
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